Psychic Surgery, hmmmm sounds scary, but yet it is amazing!

Let’s review a little on what Reiki is and how it works. 

The human body is made of skin, bones, blood, and consciousness, and it works together because of energy — life force.

Our energy fluctuates depending on our eating habits, sleep habits, and life’s ups and downs. Emotions and stress are some of the biggest  factors that affect our energy.  

During a Reiki session, I am able to remove excess energy and replenish depleted areas, align chakra centers, and bring balance back physically and emotionally.

When someone has a very specific issue, that is deep-seated and difficult to release, that is when Psychic Surgery  comes to play. The practitioner goes in on a very deep energy level to remove the energy blockage. This is done for one specific issue at a time, whether it is for grief, anxiety, pain from one specific cause, or a specific ailment.  There is no physical pain involved for the client, but mainly emotional connections to the issue being revealed and healed. The practitioner and client talk throughout the process and work together in a peaceful, calm environment.  The results can be truly amazing. 

Reiki. Expansion of energy. Initiation. Energy flow. Reiki the first stage. Second stage. Third stage. Increase of energy flow.

We need to be continually working on  our energy with clearing and balancing it. I work with my clients on how to do their part with meditation practices, crystals, and self care.  When, for whatever reason, we haven’t worked on our energy health or because of the things we may have experienced in life, we may wind up with these major blockages that will not be easily removed during a regular Reiki session and then this deeper method is beneficial.

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